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Gary McMichael

“Cairns represent a trail marker that guides one through uncertain areas of life. They provide guidance, hope, balance, continuity, and confidence on the journey down the path of life.” -John P. Kreamer

Cairns are rocks stacked on top of each other. It takes at least three rocks to make a cairn. All over the world, from ancient times until present, from mountains to deserts and distant coasts, people have built cairns. Sometimes they mark a trail, a significant place or tomb, serve as communication, have a religious meaning or an artistic purpose.

Cairns are built with careful effort – they don’t just appear randomly in nature. Stones don’t drop out of the sky and stack themselves naturally into stable structures. Only man can make a cairn and only man can give it meaning.

Supporting Our Dream is a painting of a simple cairn, but I see much more. I envision it as a couple, precariously leaning on each other to support their dream, whether it be a family, children, an adventure, or something special only to them.

Gary McMichael


Supporting Our Dream 12X12 oil on canvas
Purchase this painting at

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